Download the SPARKLE Kit Recording Sheets
Below are the downloadable recording sheets for our SPARKLE Kit, Systematic Phonics and Reading Knowledge Levelled Evaluation. We have our Main Fiction (Full Version Evaluations), Main Fiction (Shortened Evaluations), and our Early Reader version. The screener recording sheets are also in the downloadable files.
*** Please note, our shortened version of the Main Fiction Reading Evaluation allows the child to read part of text and the teacher to read aloud to finish the book. We have adjusted the formulas so that you still get an accurate decoding percentage and enough data to analyse at text level. The comprehension questions are then labelled as 'Reading Comprehension' if the child gets the answer from the text THEY read or 'Language Comprehension' if the answer is from what the TEACHER read.
*** Please note that the Early Reader Screeners and Evaluation texts are intended for your more vulnerable learners as a way to determine if they should move up to the next Early Reader text level. We do not want to hold students in lower levels for too long as it is important that they continue to develop code knowledge, just on a simpler text. Please note that these modified assessments are using more controlled texts and may not meet minimum standards of some states' curriculum standards.
*** Please note that the Early Reader screeners are reduced to just the skills needed to procced to the more controlled text and not the full screener that is found in the Main Fiction section.